Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Copyright Presentation by Jason Hardin

In today’s class, Jason Hardin gave us a presentation on copyright that I believe was extremely helpful and interesting. First, I learned that there is a difference between the term copyright and plagiarism. Copyright would be reproducing someone else’s work as your own while plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own without giving credit to the author. Not only are these two terms different, but plagiarism is more of an ethical issue, not a crime. Another thing that Jason said that really caught my attention was that “technology itself is not illegal”. Jason explained that we can use this technology to share stuff that belongs to us, such as art or music. This doesn’t mean that if we bought a movie or CD it now belongs to us, but that we can share movies or music that we created. 
We learned about an issue involving a 17 year old girl who downloaded 37 songs using a file sharing program. She was sued and felt she was innocent, but she still lost the case and has to pay $27,750 to the recording industry. On one side, I believe that she was guilty but the amount that she has to pay is just ridiculous. The reason why I believe most of us found this presentation extremely helpful was that many of us did not know most of the things he told us or we were unsure whether the things we get from the internet are safe to use.
Creative Commons License
Copyright Presentation by Jason Hardin by Karime Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

1 comment:

  1. I think that was a lot of drama over so few songs. An example could of been made another way....
