Thursday, February 24, 2011

AT&T Center for Learning and Technology

Today, I went to the AT&T Center for Learning and Technology for the first time during our computer class. I am so glad that now I know that this center exists because it has a lot of advanced software and computers that might come in handy. I learned that students are allowed to check out material such as cameras which I know will come in handy later in some of my business classes. The software that is available here such as Photoshop will also be very helpful since I do not have it installed in my personal computer. I had never used Photoshop until we used it in class and I find that it can be very helpful especially for editing pictures that can make my presentations appear more interesting. I also learned today that there are many people that are willing and able to help you with anything that you might need when working on a project at the center. I know that I will come back in a few weeks to work on my homework for computer class which will require me to use Photoshop.
This is a self-portrait that I did in 15 seconds.

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