Friday, February 18, 2011

My thoughts about Excel...

I am so glad that I am learning so many different functions in Excel. I know for a fact that I will use it in future classes and in real life especially since I am studying business. I wish I had learned it before because it could have come in hady when I opened my two businesses during high school. I was awarded the Texas Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Award along with a few other teenagers and one thing that I noticed was that many of them were using Excel to keep their "books" for their businesses. I never learned how to use excel properly so I wasn't able to use it and now I can see that it could have saved me A LOT of time. There is nothing I dislike so far about Excel, on the other hand I really like all the different functions that can be used not only for businesses but for persnal budgets as well. I will definitely be using it after our computer class finishes this semester!

These were the finalist for the award and I am on the right top corner.

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