Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Powerpoint Presentation

The topic I chose for my powerpoint presentation was Youth Entrepreneurship. My major is Business and since I am a first-year student there isn't a lot that I have learned, but I am really looking forward to next semester. The reason why I chose to talk about Youth Entrepeneurship is because I think that a lot of young people have really amazing and unique ideas, but they do not know of all the funding opportunitites that exist out there to help them get started NOW! I was truly blessed  to recieve the Texas Youth Entrepeneurship Award as a high school senior and this is how I met numerous succesful entrepeneurs that are currently in college at the same time that they are managing their businesses. It was during my research for this presentation that I learned that there are other funding opportunities and the importance of spreading the word to other young entrepeneurs about these opportunities. What I would have changed about my presentation is to maybe include more facts and information, but I just had a hard time working with the 3 minute time frame which was really limited.
My two favorite powerpoint presentations from my classmates were Deanna's and Paige's because they really caught my attention. I was impressed by how well they managed to organize their layouts and design styles to really catch the audiences attention. Their topics were both really interesting and made me want to learn more.

Here is the video that I used for my presentation! :)

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