Thursday, April 14, 2011

Advice we got from Larry Hechler

 For today’s class Larry Hechler, Hardware Technitian Supervision at the Information Technology Services, talked to us about computer hardware and all of the information he gave us was new to me since I didn’t know much before. I had a hard time understanding everything he was saying because some of the terms I wasn’t familiar with, but he gave us a  lot of useful tips. Something that I found very important was that hand creams are destructive to LCD screens so it is crucial that we don’t touch our computer and laptop screens with our hands. I also learned that I should never clean the screen with anything that includes alcohol, acetone, chloride bleach or ammonia. If we do so the screen can suffer some major damage and it can become very difficult to read because it will become cloudy. I learned to never spray directly into the screen, but spray into a cloth. Liquids and computers never mix at all, so always make sure to be careful and avoid having drinks around when you are using the computer. Last but not least I learned that back up is critical!! If you care about it put it somewhere else besides hard drive. For my next computer purchase I am going to make sure that I get informed about coverage plans because I learned that Dell has a really good one.

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