Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Where is this Trinity mystery spot?

At first I thought of finding a place that will be difficult to guess, but then I remembered a spot on campus that caught my attention during the tour for high school applicants the summer before my senior year. I am not too sure that many of you will know where this place is at, since it is not a high traffic zone. Originally, I thought about adding a picture of a tiger, but unfortunately there weren't any free ones in Picnik. Instead I decided to add the butterflies, parrot, and the cute ladybugs. I played around with the colors for a while until I found the perfect color scheme and effects. I made most of the background black and white so that the stickers that I added would really stand out. I really like the way it came out and I hope you guys agree with me.


  1. I really like the editing you did with all of the animals! It looks like the library.

  2. I don't know where this is, but it looks really cool! I definitely want to find it! I like what you did with the editing too.

  3. This is a picture of the middle of Chapman, right? The inner classrooms look out onto this really cool patio-garden thing. Nice editing!

  4. I don't know what the mystery location is but now I want to find it! It looks gorgeous. And your little animal stickers are really cute.

  5. The courtyard in Chapman I'm guessing? I love the birds!

  6. Yes it is the courtyard in Chapman ;)thanks for all the nice comments
