Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Trinity Network Diagram

The diagram below shows a design I made to demonstrate Trinity’s network.  After watching the tour video by Jared Pack during Thursday’s class, I was overwhelmed by how much work was put in to our school’s network to allow our campus to have great services. My diagram shows Ruth Taylor in the center because it is the core that connects out to the entire campus. I included my off-campus apartment as well as the dorms to show how students at trinity connect to the internet through the wireless access points and how I also connect to the internet at home with a wireless access point. There are also a few descriptions for other important buildings on campus such as the library and Halsell.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Best Tech Tip

Joe Hatch came to our class today to give us a bunch of tips on how to enhance the performance of our computers as well as how to keep our private files secure from hackers. I would have to say that the best tip that I learned from him was not only how to install ccleaner, but learn about how useful it can be. I sometimes tend to forget that there are many hackers out there trying to access our private information such as bank statements. It is extremely important for us to protect our private information and this program allows us to do this in an easy manner. The other main reason why ccleaner is very useful is because it removes all unwanted software that keeps our computers running slow sometimes. Overall, his talk was very interesting and I am glad we had the opportunity to learn these helpful tips from him.

Where is this Trinity mystery spot?

At first I thought of finding a place that will be difficult to guess, but then I remembered a spot on campus that caught my attention during the tour for high school applicants the summer before my senior year. I am not too sure that many of you will know where this place is at, since it is not a high traffic zone. Originally, I thought about adding a picture of a tiger, but unfortunately there weren't any free ones in Picnik. Instead I decided to add the butterflies, parrot, and the cute ladybugs. I played around with the colors for a while until I found the perfect color scheme and effects. I made most of the background black and white so that the stickers that I added would really stand out. I really like the way it came out and I hope you guys agree with me.

Monday, January 24, 2011


This diagram explains how the Trinity University network system works. The network provides a private storage for teachers and students through the three drives shown in the diagram. It allows for everyone to choose whether to use their personal drive, the class drive to view work, or the groups folder to save and turn in class assignments.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Welcome to my Blog! My name is Karime Gonzalez and I grew up in Laredo,Texas which is only two hours away from San Antonio. I was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico and I am an only child. My mother is my best friend and I admire her greatly for being such an amazing person. I am currently a first year student at Trinity University planning to major in Business Administration/Management and Spanish. I also want to get a minor in Entrepreneurship. My interests include traveling, baking, dancing, figure skating, basketball, watching movies, and volunteering. I also have a collection of over 1,000 pencils. In high school I played basketball, volleyball, did track and field, danced flamenco, and volunteered over 1,000 hours. During my first semester at Trinity, I only got involved in a volunteering opportunity at San Anto Cultural Arts, but I plan to become more involved this semester.

My sophomore year in high school I took a computer class, but I forgot a lot of the material that we covered. I do not have a lot of knowledge on how to use programs such as Excel and Photoshop, so I am really looking forward to learning as much as I can this semester.

My mom and I when I arrived home from receiving the Gates Millenium Scholarship in Los Angeles,CA.
You can email me at