Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chris Nolan's Presentation on Searching the Internet

For today’s class, Chris Nolan who is the Assistant University Librarian came to talk to our class about searching the internet. It was interesting to learn that all of my classmates use Google as their main search engine and about 2/3 of users in the United States use google as well. I was glad to learn about the advance
search in google because I had never used it before. What I found to be really useful is the ability to find .gov or .edu sites only by typing this under “Search within a site or domain”. I had also never used Google Scholar, but I don’t think I will start to do so because we learned that it is similar to a database search but a lot of the articles don’t provide the full text for free unlike in our schoool’s library website.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Some of us Dislike PowerPoint Presentations

I think that everyone has experienced sitting through a really boring lesson that uses what can seem like the worst PowerPoint presentation in the world! I still remember trying to remain awake during some of my high school courses where the teacher used nothing but text on his/her PowerPoint presentation. I still can't understand why they couldn't spend just 10 more minutes looking for at least a few images that can help us (students) stay awake. I can also remember when some student would make a PowerPoint presentation that was very difficult to follow because he used backgrounds that would make it impossible for us to read the text. It would get to the point where students would just give up trying to follow along the presentation and take a nap instead. Here are a few other things that really bother me about bad Powerpoint presentations:

  • Too much text, to the point where I feel that I am reading a 10 page paper!
  • The same layout in every single slide!
  • Text that is too small or with font that makes it difficult to read!
  • Too much going on in every slide, which can make it hard to pay attention to the presenter!